Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Web Page Content Optimization and SEO Copywriting Tips

Content is king in search engine optimization or any SEO marketing solutions, even the amount of web page content is very low. But the main fact is that search engines like original and fresh content. SEs give reward to the web pages that come on with original content, by showing those web pages at the higher position in organic search engine result pages (SERPs). Even Google and some other giant search engines are now applying various duplicate content filters to avoid displaying duplicate content pages to the organic SERPs.

For the interactive nature of World Wide Web, every website owners are trying to get ranked for targeted keywords whether for business or specific purposes. Adding more original web page content will help to increase better visibility for a website to the organic search listing pages as well as increase the user experiences of the website. Also if the website content optimization is properly done with SEO best practices then it will bring extra flavor. Search engines pull out the proper optimized content immediately to the organic SERPs. Below are some key issues that we should follow while optimizing web page content and SEO copywriting –
  • Research the appropriate keywords or keyword phrases that you want to rank for the web page. Keyword research is a very important and initial part of any online marketing strategy design and SEO process.
  • Target sleeted keywords sensibly in the prominent places of the webpage such as Title tag, Meta description, header, sub header, first paragraph, last paragraph etc.
  • Title tag is the most essential On Page SEO optimization scope that you can control properly. Include primary keywords as well as supporting or brand keywords in the Title tag. Keep web page title length within 65 characters to support full display in organic SERPs.
  • Include strong call to action phrases in Meta description and some other prominent part of web page content, sure to keep them above the fold.
  • Keep line length small if the purpose is brand awareness, use longer line length to increase faster readability
  • Target keywords naturally, but not target them artificially. Over using keywords or keywords stuffing is now a very bad negative factor in SEO ranking process.
  • Don't think for keyword density only, just think the website content is readable for real visitors
  • Don't consider to optimize web page content for only search engine bots, but make the content user friendly and ease to read
  • Include keywords identifiers or similar words inventively; here is the creative part for increasing web page visibility
  • Don't use duplicate content or affiliated content directly. Search engines consider affiliated content such as product description, service description etc. as duplicate content. Rewrite affiliated content according to your business theme and then use the content to your website properly.
  • Update your website with original content regularly to increase indexing process and getting maximum search visibility
  • Be aware more about user experience throughout your website content optimization process

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